Reservation Policy

The property is available to rent all year around. The prices vary by month. 

The quoted prices are per night for the cottage. A booking is for a minimum of 2 nights (no refunds are available if you leave early).

The cleaning fee is £20 , and the £100 security deposit is added to the final price. The £100 security deposit is fully refundable at the end of your stay, once the cottage has been checked for damage.

We require every guest to supply the following details within 24 hours of their check-in: 

– name and surname of each guests from 16 years old

– nationality

– date of birth

– issue and expiry date of the identity document

– series of identity document

– holiday date.

Failing sending these details before your check-in day causes cancelling your holiday without refund. I will send you the link after the whole amount is received and you can fill the form yourself or if you want me to do it, please send all the above details to my email address:

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